#! /usr/bin/env python3 # Yandere Lewd Bot, an image posting bot for Pleroma # Copyright (C) 2022 Anon # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sys import argparse import signal import yandere_bot import datetime import contextlib # A class that inherits from either YandereBot from yandere_bot module # This class is used to handle command line arguments gracefully, and extend functionality quickly # Bot specific changes should be made here (if they are minor enough). # This will be instantiated from the main() function class YandereBot(yandere_bot.YandereBot): # The below settings are required from the configuration module settings_time = None settings_reminder = None # Wait before running delay_start = 0 def __init__(self, cfg, debug_mode, prime_bot, start_index, delay_d=None, delay_h=None, delay_s=None): super(YandereBot, self).__init__(cfg, debug_mode, prime_bot=False) self.load_settings(self.cfg, ("settings_time", "settings_reminder")) self.set_pretimer(delay_d, delay_h, delay_s) self.currentIndexCount = start_index if self.debug_mode: print("[DEBUG MODE ON - DRY RUN BEGIN]") # Do not perform sanity test if stdout is None. # input() will fail if stdout is None, which could happen with the following command # ./run --dry-run -h -d 'a date in the past' if sys.stdout is not None and not self.pass_sanity_test(): raise FailedSanityTest if prime_bot: self.prime_bot() def print_date_time_example(self): print_fmt = " {0:6} {1:10} {2}" time_fmt = self.settings_time["time_format"] date_fmt = self.settings_time["date_format"] current_time = self.dateSelection print(print_fmt.format( "TIME", time_fmt, current_time.strftime(time_fmt) )) print(print_fmt.format( "DATE", date_fmt, current_time.strftime(date_fmt) )) def dump_pictures(self): for ele in self.listPictures: print(ele.get_full_string()) def set_delay_d(self, d): try: t = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, self.settings_time["date_format"]) self.dateNextSelection = self.dateNextSelection.replace( year=t.year, month=t.month, day=t.day ) except Exception: print("Invalid date format: {}\n\nCorrect date/time format examples:".format(d)) self.print_date_time_example() raise DateWrongFormat def set_delay_h(self, h, add_24): try: t = datetime.datetime.strptime(h, self.settings_time["time_format"]) self.dateNextSelection = self.dateNextSelection.replace( hour=t.hour, minute=t.minute, second=t.second, microsecond=t.microsecond ) if self.dateNextSelection < self.dateSelection and add_24: self.dateNextSelection = yandere_bot.time_add_seconds(self.dateNextSelection, 60 * 60 * 24) except Exception: print("Invalid time format: {}\n\nCorrect date/time format examples:".format(h)) self.print_date_time_example() raise TimeWrongFormat def set_pretimer(self, d=None, h=None, s=0): if d: self.set_delay_d(d) if h: self.set_delay_h(h, d is None) if s: self.delay_start = max(0, s) # Check for potential misconfigurations by the user def pass_sanity_test(self): # Calculate pre-timer value seconds_until_next_pos = yandere_bot.time_diff_seconds(self.dateNextSelection, self.dateSelection) # Possible misconfigurations that will prompt the user to continue pretimer_less_than_zero = seconds_until_next_pos < 0 pretimer_greater_than_sleep = seconds_until_next_pos > self.settings_behavior["sleep_seconds"] # Prompt the user prompt_user = pretimer_less_than_zero or pretimer_greater_than_sleep # Remind the user to generate new OAuth tokens dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.settings_reminder, self.settings_time["long_date_format"]) if dt < datetime.datetime.now(): print("REMINDER: Generate new tokens!!") # Check if the bot is back-posting in time and make sure this is what the user wanted to avoid spamming if pretimer_less_than_zero: sleep = round(abs(seconds_until_next_pos), 2) images = round(sleep / (self.settings_behavior["sleep_seconds"] * self.settings_behavior["uploads_per_post"]), 2) + 1 print("WARNING: Pre-timer is less than the current time by: {} seconds. {} images will post immediately".format( sleep, images )) # Check if the bot will wait for longer than the default amount of sleep time configured in the cfg.py elif pretimer_greater_than_sleep: print("WARNING: Pre-timer will sleep for {} seconds. This is more than the configured amount ({} seconds)".format( round(seconds_until_next_pos, 2), self.settings_behavior["sleep_seconds"] )) # Prompt the user if something doesn't seem right # This must be done before we set up our keyboard interrupts. Otherwise the below exceptions will not work. try: if prompt_user: # Default to 'y' if the user just presses enter ans = input("Do you want to continue [Y/n]? ") or "y" return ans.lower() in ("y", "yes") except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print() return False # Sanity test passed return True def start(self, delay=None): _delay = delay or self.delay_start return super(YandereBot, self).start(max(0, _delay)) # Custom exceptions class TimeWrongFormat(Exception): pass class DateWrongFormat(Exception): pass class FailedSanityTest(Exception): pass class FailedToLoadCfg(Exception): pass # Entry point if run from the command line def main(): # Default config file default_cfg = "cfg" # Parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="A bot for posting on Mastodon", # epilog="All switches can be combined for greater control", add_help=False) parser.add_argument("--dry-run", help="Will not login or post to Plemora", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Same as --dry-run", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-w", "--wait", type=int, help="Wait before posting first image (seconds)", default=0) parser.add_argument("-t", "--time", help="Wait for time before posting first image", default=None) parser.add_argument("-d", "--date", help="Wait for date before posting first image", default=None) parser.add_argument("-i", "--index", help="Start at index (only matters if profile select is set to sequential)", default=0) parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Set custom config file (Default: {})".format(default_cfg), default=default_cfg) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-hashes", help="Output list of hashes", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Show this help message and exit", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("remainder", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) arguments = parser.parse_args() # Redirect stdout when the bot first initializes if the bot is not going to run normally redirect_stdout = None if arguments.output_hashes or arguments.help else sys.stdout # Yandere Lewd Bot yandere = None yandere_config = None # Configuration file for Yandere Lewd Bot try: import importlib yandere_config = importlib.import_module(arguments.config) except ImportError: print("Failed to Load Configuration:", arguments.config) raise FailedToLoadCfg # Flag if the bot is running in debug mode debug_mode = (arguments.dry_run or arguments.debug or arguments.output_hashes or arguments.help) with contextlib.redirect_stdout(redirect_stdout): prime_bot = not arguments.help yandere = YandereBot( yandere_config, debug_mode, prime_bot, int(arguments.index), arguments.date, arguments.time, arguments.wait ) # Print Usage Information with Time and Date Formats with Examples if arguments.help: parser.print_help() print() yandere.print_date_time_example() print() return 0 # Output all of the images in the bot's picture list if arguments.output_hashes: yandere.dump_pictures() return 0 # Setup exit calls # Must be done after we declare our bot(s), otherwise this will be called if quitting on decrypting settings ) def yandere_quit(signo, _frame): print("\nInterrupted by {}, shutting down...".format(signo)) yandere.exit() # Setup our exit calls for sig in ("TERM", "HUP", "INT"): signal.signal(getattr(signal, "SIG" + sig), yandere_quit) return yandere.start() if __name__ == "__main__": # A return value of 0 or 1 is a normal exit try: sys.exit(main()) # Exceptions raised from the main function except FailedToLoadCfg: sys.exit(10) except FailedSanityTest: sys.exit(9) except DateWrongFormat: sys.exit(8) except TimeWrongFormat: sys.exit(7) # Exceptions raised from the bot except yandere_bot.Debug: sys.exit(6) except yandere_bot.MissingMasterList: sys.exit(5) except yandere_bot.BadCfgFile: sys.exit(4) except yandere_bot.FailedLogin: sys.exit(2)