Refactored to include a CloudflareAPI class

This commit is contained in:
Anon 2022-10-21 14:16:02 -07:00
parent f1fb4624b4
commit 2ecff9e0d5

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@ -24,89 +24,103 @@ import argparse
import configparser
import contextlib
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
class CloudflairAPI:
domain_name = None
cf_api_key = None
cf_zone_id = None
cf_record_id = None
def get_cf_dns_domain(cf_zone_id):
return "{}/dns_records".format(
def __init__(self, domain_name, cf_api_key, cf_zone_id, cf_record_id):
self.domain_name = domain_name
self.cf_api_key = cf_api_key
self.cf_zone_id = cf_zone_id
self.cf_record_id = cf_record_id
def get_missing_config_var(self):
keys = ("domain_name", "cf_api_key", "cf_zone_id", "cf_record_id")
missing_parameter = next(
(key for key in keys if getattr(self, key) is None),
return missing_parameter
def get_cf_dns_domain_record_id(cf_zone_id, cf_record_id):
return "/".join([
def get_cf_dns_domain(self):
return "{}/dns_records".format(
def get_cf_dns_domain_record_id(self):
return "{}/{}".format(
# !! Do not use this !! The global Cloudflair API is dangerous. Keeping this here for posterity and info
# def get_headers_global_api(cf_api_key, cf_email):
# return {
# "X-Auth-Key": cf_api_key,
# "X-Auth-Email": cf_email
# }
def get_headers(self):
return {
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.cf_api_key)
def get_record_id(self):
resp = requests.get(
failed = resp.status_code != 200
if not failed:
print(json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
return failed
# !! Do not use this !! The global Cloudflair API is dangerous. Keeping this here for posterity and info
# def get_headers_global_api(cf_api_key, cf_email):
# return {
# "X-Auth-Key": cf_api_key,
# "X-Auth-Email": cf_email
# }
def get_headers(cf_api_key):
return {
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(cf_api_key)
def get_record_id(cf_zone_id, cf_api_key):
resp = requests.get(
failed = resp.status_code != 200
if not failed:
print(json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
return failed
# A hack to prevent pycharm from bitching
def dictionary_split(s, delim='='):
k, v = s.split(delim, 1)
return k, v
def get_old_ip(self):
resp = requests.get(
if resp.status_code == 200:
return resp.json()["result"]["content"]
return None
def put_new_ip(self, ip):
json_payload = {
"type": 'A',
"name": self.domain_name,
"content": ip,
"proxied": True
resp = requests.put(
success = resp.status_code == 200
return success
# Get the current ip address of the user
def get_new_ip():
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
a = requests.get("").text.split("\n")
ip = dict(dictionary_split(item) for item in a if item != "")["ip"]
ip = dict(item.split('=', 1) for item in filter(None, a))["ip"]
return ip
return None
def get_old_ip(cf_zone_id, cf_record_id, cf_api_key):
resp = requests.get(
url=get_cf_dns_domain_record_id(cf_zone_id, cf_record_id),
if resp.status_code == 200:
return resp.json()["result"]["content"]
return None
def put_new_ip(domain_name, ip, cf_zone_id, cf_record_id, cf_api_key):
json_payload = {
"type": 'A',
"name": domain_name,
"content": ip,
"proxied": True
resp = requests.put(
url=get_cf_dns_domain_record_id(cf_zone_id, cf_record_id),
success = resp.status_code == 200
return success
def config_parser_has_option(config, profile, option):
# 'DEFAULT' is a special value in ConfigParser
config_name = "" if profile == "DEFAULT" else profile
@ -162,36 +176,28 @@ def main():
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
options = OrderedDict([
("domain_name", config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "domain_name")),
("cf_api_key", config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "cf_api_key")),
("cf_zone_id", config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "cf_zone_id")),
("cf_record_id", config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "cf_record_id"))
cloudflair_api = CloudflairAPI(
domain_name = config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "domain_name"),
cf_api_key = config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "cf_api_key"),
cf_zone_id = config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "cf_zone_id"),
cf_record_id = config_parser_has_option(config, arguments.profile, "cf_record_id")
# Validate configuration file
missing_parameter = next((i for i in options if options[i] is None and i != "cf_record_id"), None)
if missing_parameter is not None:
logging.error("Configuration: {} | Profile: {} | Option: {}".format(
missing_parameter = cloudflair_api.get_missing_config_var()
# If cf_zone_id is None, print out all record ids. The user will have to update this setting in their config file
# This will have to be done once
if missing_parameter == "cf_record_id" or arguments.get_record_ids:
return int(cloudflair_api.get_record_id())
elif missing_parameter is not None:
logging.error("Missing Configuration - Configuration: {} | Profile: {} | Option: {}".format(
arguments.config, arguments.profile, missing_parameter
return 1
# If cf_zone_id is None, print out all record ids. The user will have to update this setting in their config file
# This will have to be done at least once
if arguments.get_record_ids or options["cf_record_id"] is None:
return int(get_record_id(options["cf_zone_id"], options["cf_api_key"]))
# Get the current dns record from cloudflair (old)
old_ip = get_old_ip(options["cf_zone_id"], options["cf_record_id"], options["cf_api_key"])
# Get the current ip address of the server (new)
new_ip = None
if arguments.set:
new_ip = arguments.set
new_ip = get_new_ip()
old_ip = cloudflair_api.get_old_ip()
new_ip = arguments.set or get_new_ip()
if new_ip is None:
logging.error("Could not determine new IP")
@ -207,10 +213,10 @@ def main():
elif old_ip == new_ip:"New IP matches old IP: {}".format(new_ip))
if put_new_ip(options["domain_name"], new_ip, options["cf_zone_id"], options["cf_record_id"], options["cf_api_key"]):"IP updated to: {} from: {}".format(old_ip, new_ip))
if cloudflair_api.put_new_ip(new_ip):"IP updated to: {} from: {}".format(new_ip, old_ip))
logging.error("Failed to update to: {} from: {}".format(old_ip, new_ip))
logging.error("Failed to update to: {} from: {}".format(new_ip, old_ip))
return 1
return 0