#! /usr/bin/env sh # FediStatusPoster - Simple CLI tools and scripts to post to the fediverse # Copyright (C) 2024 <@Anon@yandere.cc> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Requires: # curl # jq # Get the runtime path of the bot ABS_PATH="$(readlink -f "$0")" RUN_DIR="$(dirname "$ABS_PATH")" ENTRY="${RUN_DIR}/../FediStatusPoster/runconfig.sh" # DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS="${RUN_DIR}/credentials/hentaibot.sh.gpg" # DEFAULT_KEYFILE="/zfs_media/fs1/BotKeys/hentaibot.sh.key" BOORU_URL="gelbooru.com" POS_ARGS=6 [ ! $# -ge $POS_ARGS ] &&\ echo "Invalid number of arguments..." &&\ echo "$(basename "$0") [default_credentials] [default_keyfile] [blacklist] [searchtags] [msg_sfw] [msg_nsfw] usage:" &&\ echo " default_credentials - Path to the credentials file generated by create_app.py" &&\ echo " default_keyfile - Path to the keyfile if encryption was used for credentials" &&\ echo " blacklist - A text list of newline deliminated tags to blacklist" &&\ echo " searchtags - The tags to search for" &&\ echo " msg_sfw - Display message if image is safe for work" &&\ echo " msg_nsfw - Display message if image is not safe for work" &&\ exit 1 DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS="$1" DEFAULT_KEYFILE="$2" TAGS_BLACKLIST="$3" TAGS="$4" MSG_SFW="$5" MSG_NSFW="$6" shift $POS_ARGS TAGS_FMT=`echo "$TAGS" | tr ' ' '\n' | xargs echo | tr ' ' '+'` TAGS_BLK_FMT=`xargs -a "$TAGS_BLACKLIST" echo | sed 's|\ |+-|g'` TAGS_SEARCH="${TAGS_FMT}+sort:random+-${TAGS_BLK_FMT}" RESULT=`curl -s --get "https://${BOORU_URL}/index.php" -d "page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&limit=1&tags=${TAGS_SEARCH}"` URL_FILE="$(echo "$RESULT" | jq -r '. | .post[0].file_url')" RATING="$(echo "$RESULT" | jq -r '. | .post[0].rating')" NSFW="--nsfw" TEXT="$MSG_NSFW" PICKED="/tmp/$(basename "$URL_FILE")" # Always delete the temporary file trap "rm ${PICKED}" EXIT sleep 1 curl -L -s "$URL_FILE" -o "$PICKED" [ "$RATING" = "general" ] && NSFW="--safe" && TEXT="$MSG_SFW" [ "$RATING" = "sensitive" ] && NSFW="--safe" && TEXT="$MSG_SFW" [ ! -f "$PICKED" ] && echo "Failed to download: ${PICKED}" && exit 1 case "$(file --mime-type "$PICKED")" in *': image/'*) ;; *': video/'*) ;; *) echo "File is not an image or video: ${PICKED}" ;; esac "$ENTRY" "$DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS" "$DEFAULT_KEYFILE" "$NSFW" "$@" "$TEXT" "$PICKED"