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2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Installing on Linux using OTP releases
{! backend/installation/otp_vs_from_source.include !}
This guide covers a installation using OTP releases as built by the Pleroma project, it is meant as a fallback to distribution packages/recipes which are the preferred installation method.
To install Pleroma from source, please check out the corresponding guide for your distro.
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
## Pre-requisites
* A machine you have root access to running Debian GNU/Linux or compatible (eg. Ubuntu), or Alpine on `x86_64`, `aarch64` or `armv7l` CPU. If you are not sure what you are running see [Detecting flavour section](#detecting-flavour) below
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
* A (sub)domain pointed to the machine
You will be running commands as root. If you aren't root already, please elevate your privileges by executing `sudo -i`/`su`.
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
Similarly to other binaries, OTP releases tend to be only compatible with the distro they are built on, as such this guide focuses only on Debian/Ubuntu and Alpine.
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
### Detecting flavour
Paste the following into the shell:
arch="$(uname -m)";if [ "$arch" = "x86_64" ];then arch="amd64";elif [ "$arch" = "armv7l" ];then arch="arm";elif [ "$arch" = "aarch64" ];then arch="arm64";else echo "Unsupported arch: $arch">&2;fi;if getconf GNU_LIBC_VERSION>/dev/null;then libc_postfix="";elif [ "$(ldd 2>&1|head -c 9)" = "musl libc" ];then libc_postfix="-musl";elif [ "$(find /lib/libc.musl*|wc -l)" ];then libc_postfix="-musl";else echo "Unsupported libc">&2;fi;echo "$arch$libc_postfix"
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
This should give your flavour string. If not this just means that we don't build releases for your platform, you can still try installing from source.
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
### Installing the required packages
Other than things bundled in the OTP release Pleroma depends on:
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
* curl (to download the release build)
* unzip (needed to unpack release builds)
* ncurses (ERTS won't run without it)
* PostgreSQL (also utilizes extensions in postgresql-contrib)
* nginx (could be swapped with another reverse proxy but this guide covers only it)
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
* certbot (for Let's Encrypt certificates, could be swapped with another ACME client, but this guide covers only it)
2020-05-14 21:36:31 +02:00
* libmagic/file
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
=== "Alpine"
awk 'NR==2' /etc/apk/repositories | sed 's/main/community/' | tee -a /etc/apk/repositories
apk update
apk add curl unzip ncurses postgresql postgresql-contrib nginx certbot file-dev
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
apt install curl unzip libncurses5 postgresql postgresql-contrib nginx certbot libmagic-dev
### Installing optional packages
2020-10-25 08:28:17 +00:00
Per [`docs/installation/optional/`](optional/
* ImageMagick
* ffmpeg
* exiftool
=== "Alpine"
apk update
apk add imagemagick ffmpeg exiftool
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
apt install imagemagick ffmpeg libimage-exiftool-perl
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
## Setup
### Configuring PostgreSQL
#### (Optional) Installing RUM indexes
!!! warning
It is recommended to use PostgreSQL v11 or newer. We have seen some minor issues with lower PostgreSQL versions.
2019-10-03 00:22:14 +03:00
RUM indexes are an alternative indexing scheme that is not included in PostgreSQL by default. You can read more about them on the [Configuration page](../configuration/ They are completely optional and most of the time are not worth it, especially if you are running a single user instance (unless you absolutely need ordered search results).
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
=== "Alpine"
apk add git build-base postgresql-dev
git clone /tmp/rum
cd /tmp/rum
make USE_PGXS=1
make USE_PGXS=1 install
rm -r /tmp/rum
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
# Available only on Buster/19.04
apt install postgresql-11-rum
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
#### (Optional) Performance configuration
2020-05-25 19:26:07 +02:00
It is encouraged to check [Optimizing your PostgreSQL performance](../configuration/ document, for tips on PostgreSQL tuning.
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
Restart PostgreSQL to apply configuration changes:
=== "Alpine"
rc-service postgresql restart
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
systemctl restart postgresql
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
### Installing Pleroma
# Create a Pleroma user
adduser --system --shell /bin/false --home /opt/pleroma pleroma
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Set the flavour environment variable to the string you got in Detecting flavour section.
# For example if the flavour is `amd64-musl` the command will be
export FLAVOUR="amd64-musl"
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Clone the release build into a temporary directory and unpack it
sudo -Hu pleroma "
curl '$FLAVOUR' -o /tmp/
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/
# Move the release to the home directory and delete temporary files
sudo -Hu pleroma "
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
mv /tmp/release/* /opt/pleroma
rmdir /tmp/release
rm /tmp/
# Create uploads directory and set proper permissions (skip if planning to use a remote uploader)
# Note: It does not have to be `/var/lib/pleroma/uploads`, the config generator will ask about the upload directory later
mkdir -p /var/lib/pleroma/uploads
chown -R pleroma /var/lib/pleroma
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Create custom public files directory (custom emojis, frontend bundle overrides, robots.txt, etc.)
# Note: It does not have to be `/var/lib/pleroma/static`, the config generator will ask about the custom public files directory later
mkdir -p /var/lib/pleroma/static
chown -R pleroma /var/lib/pleroma
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Create a config directory
mkdir -p /etc/pleroma
chown -R pleroma /etc/pleroma
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Run the config generator
sudo -Hu pleroma "./bin/pleroma_ctl instance gen --output /etc/pleroma/config.exs --output-psql /tmp/setup_db.psql"
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Create the postgres database
sudo -u postgres -s $SHELL -lc "psql -f /tmp/setup_db.psql"
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Create the database schema
sudo -Hu pleroma "./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate"
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# If you have installed RUM indexes uncommend and run
# sudo -Hu pleroma "./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate --migrations-path priv/repo/optional_migrations/rum_indexing/"
2019-06-21 06:22:34 +03:00
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Start the instance to verify that everything is working as expected
sudo -Hu pleroma "./bin/pleroma daemon"
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Wait for about 20 seconds and query the instance endpoint, if it shows your uri, name and email correctly, you are configured correctly
sleep 20 && curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/instance
# Stop the instance
sudo -Hu pleroma "./bin/pleroma stop"
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
### Setting up nginx and getting Let's Encrypt SSL certificaties
#### Get a Let's Encrypt certificate
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
certbot certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges http -d yourinstance.tld
#### Copy Pleroma nginx configuration to the nginx folder
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
The location of nginx configs is dependent on the distro
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
=== "Alpine"
cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/pleroma.conf
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-available/pleroma.conf
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/pleroma.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pleroma.conf
If your distro does not have either of those you can append `include /etc/nginx/pleroma.conf` to the end of the http section in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.nginx /etc/nginx/pleroma.conf
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
#### Edit the nginx config
# Replace example.tld with your (sub)domain
$EDITOR path-to-nginx-config
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Verify that the config is valid
nginx -t
#### (Strongly recommended) serve media on another domain
Refer to the [Hardening your instance](../configuration/ document on how to serve media on another domain. We STRONGLY RECOMMEND you to do this to minimize attack vectors.
#### Start nginx
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
=== "Alpine"
rc-service nginx start
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
systemctl start nginx
At this point if you open your (sub)domain in a browser you should see a 502 error, that's because Pleroma is not started yet.
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
### Setting up a system service
=== "Alpine"
# Copy the service into a proper directory
cp /opt/pleroma/installation/init.d/pleroma /etc/init.d/pleroma
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
# Start pleroma and enable it on boot
rc-service pleroma start
rc-update add pleroma
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
# Copy the service into a proper directory
cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.service /etc/systemd/system/pleroma.service
# Start pleroma and enable it on boot
systemctl start pleroma
systemctl enable pleroma
If everything worked, you should see Pleroma-FE when visiting your domain. If that didn't happen, try reviewing the installation steps, starting Pleroma in the foreground and seeing if there are any errors.
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
Questions about the installation or didnt it work as it should be, ask in []( via Matrix or **#pleroma** on **** via IRC, you can also [file an issue on our Gitlab](
2019-06-21 05:48:13 +03:00
## Post installation
### Setting up auto-renew of the Let's Encrypt certificate
# Create the directory for webroot challenges
mkdir -p /var/lib/letsencrypt
# Uncomment the webroot method
$EDITOR path-to-nginx-config
# Verify that the config is valid
nginx -t
=== "Alpine"
# Restart nginx
rc-service nginx restart
# Start the cron daemon and make it start on boot
rc-service crond start
rc-update add crond
# Ensure the webroot menthod and post hook is working
certbot renew --cert-name yourinstance.tld --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/ --dry-run --post-hook 'rc-service nginx reload'
# Add it to the daily cron
echo '#!/bin/sh
certbot renew --cert-name yourinstance.tld --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/ --post-hook "rc-service nginx reload"
' > /etc/periodic/daily/renew-pleroma-cert
chmod +x /etc/periodic/daily/renew-pleroma-cert
# If everything worked the output should contain /etc/cron.daily/renew-pleroma-cert
run-parts --test /etc/periodic/daily
2019-06-23 03:05:02 +03:00
=== "Debian/Ubuntu"
# Restart nginx
systemctl restart nginx
# Ensure the webroot menthod and post hook is working
certbot renew --cert-name yourinstance.tld --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/ --dry-run --post-hook 'systemctl reload nginx'
# Add it to the daily cron
echo '#!/bin/sh
certbot renew --cert-name yourinstance.tld --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/ --post-hook "systemctl reload nginx"
' > /etc/cron.daily/renew-pleroma-cert
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/renew-pleroma-cert
# If everything worked the output should contain /etc/cron.daily/renew-pleroma-cert
run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily
## Create your first user and set as admin
cd /opt/pleroma
su pleroma -s $SHELL -lc "./bin/pleroma_ctl user new joeuser joeuser@sld.tld --admin"
This will create an account withe the username of 'joeuser' with the email address of joeuser@sld.tld, and set that user's account as an admin. This will result in a link that you can paste into the browser, which logs you in and enables you to set the password.
## Further reading
2019-10-03 00:18:32 +03:00
{! backend/installation/further_reading.include !}
## Questions
Questions about the installation or didnt it work as it should be, ask in []( via Matrix or **#pleroma** on **** via IRC, you can also [file an issue on our Gitlab](