Test Account View does not indicate following if a FollowingRelationship is missing

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Mark Felder 2024-09-05 15:27:43 -04:00
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@ -456,6 +456,44 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AccountViewTest do
test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected) test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected)
end end
test "relationship does not indicate following if a FollowingRelationship is missing" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, local: false)
# Create a follow relationship with the real Follow Activity and Accept it
assert {:ok, _, _, _} = CommonAPI.follow(other_user, user)
assert {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.accept_follow_request(user, other_user)
assert %{data: %{"state" => "accept"}} =
Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils.fetch_latest_follow(user, other_user)
# Fetch the relationship and forcibly delete it to simulate a Follow Accept that did not complete processing
%{following_relationships: [relationship]} =
Pleroma.UserRelationship.view_relationships_option(user, [other_user])
assert {:ok, _} = Pleroma.Repo.delete(relationship)
assert %{following_relationships: [], user_relationships: []} ==
Pleroma.UserRelationship.view_relationships_option(user, [other_user])
expected =
following: false,
followed_by: false,
muting: false,
muting_notifications: false,
subscribing: false,
notifying: false,
showing_reblogs: true,
id: to_string(other_user.id)
test_relationship_rendering(user, other_user, expected)
test "represent a relationship for the blocking and blocked user" do test "represent a relationship for the blocking and blocked user" do
user = insert(:user) user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user) other_user = insert(:user)