# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.MigrateFollowingRelationships do use Ecto.Migration def change do execute(import_following_from_users(), "") execute(import_following_from_activities(), restore_following_column()) end defp import_following_from_users do """ INSERT INTO following_relationships (follower_id, following_id, state, inserted_at, updated_at) SELECT relations.follower_id, following.id, 'accept', now(), now() FROM ( SELECT users.id AS follower_id, unnest(users.following) AS following_ap_id FROM users WHERE users.following != '{}' AND users.local = false OR users.local = true AND users.email IS NOT NULL -- Exclude `internal/fetch` and `relay` ) AS relations JOIN users AS "following" ON "following".follower_address = relations.following_ap_id WHERE relations.follower_id != following.id ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """ end defp import_following_from_activities do """ INSERT INTO following_relationships ( follower_id, following_id, state, inserted_at, updated_at ) SELECT followers.id, following.id, activities.data ->> 'state', (activities.data ->> 'published') :: timestamp, now() FROM activities JOIN users AS followers ON (activities.actor = followers.ap_id) JOIN users AS following ON (activities.data ->> 'object' = following.ap_id) WHERE activities.data ->> 'type' = 'Follow' AND activities.data ->> 'state' IN ('accept', 'pending', 'reject') ORDER BY activities.updated_at DESC ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """ end defp restore_following_column do """ UPDATE users SET following = following_query.following_array, updated_at = now() FROM ( SELECT follower.id AS follower_id, CASE follower.local WHEN TRUE THEN array_prepend(follower.follower_address, array_agg(following.follower_address)) ELSE array_agg(following.follower_address) END AS following_array FROM following_relationships JOIN users AS follower ON follower.id = following_relationships.follower_id JOIN users AS following ON following.id = following_relationships.following_id GROUP BY follower.id) AS following_query WHERE following_query.follower_id = users.id """ end end