    localForage -- Offline Storage, Improved
    Version 1.10.0
    (c) 2013-2017 Mozilla, Apache License 2.0

  * devtools-if v9.2.2
  * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
  * Released under the MIT License.

  * shared v9.2.2
  * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
  * Released under the MIT License.

 * escape-html
 * Copyright(c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk
 * Copyright(c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe
 * Copyright(c) 2015 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu
 * MIT Licensed

/*! https://mths.be/punycode v1.3.2 by @mathias */

/*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */