import Vue from 'vue' import filter from 'lodash/filter' import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty' import { getComponentProps } from '../../services/component_utils/component_utils' import './with_subscription.scss' const withSubscription = ({ fetch, // function to fetch entries and return a promise select, // function to select data from store childPropName = 'content', // name of the prop to be passed into the wrapped component additionalPropNames = [] // additional prop name list of the wrapper component }) => (WrappedComponent) => { const originalProps = Object.keys(getComponentProps(WrappedComponent)) const props = filter(originalProps, v => v !== childPropName).concat(additionalPropNames) return Vue.component('withSubscription', { props: [ ...props, 'refresh' // boolean saying to force-fetch data whenever created ], render (createElement) { if (!this.error && !this.loading) { const props = { props: { ...this.$props, [childPropName]: this.fetchedData }, on: this.$listeners, scopedSlots: this.$scopedSlots } const children = Object.entries(this.$slots).map(([key, value]) => createElement('template', { slot: key }, value)) return (