Henry Jameson fddb531ed2 --fix
2022-07-31 12:35:48 +03:00

539 lines
16 KiB

import { reduce, filter, findIndex, clone, get } from 'lodash'
import Status from '../status/status.vue'
import ThreadTree from '../thread_tree/thread_tree.vue'
import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import {
} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
const sortById = (a, b) => {
const idA = a.type === 'retweet' ? a.retweeted_status.id : a.id
const idB = b.type === 'retweet' ? b.retweeted_status.id : b.id
const seqA = Number(idA)
const seqB = Number(idB)
const isSeqA = !Number.isNaN(seqA)
const isSeqB = !Number.isNaN(seqB)
if (isSeqA && isSeqB) {
return seqA < seqB ? -1 : 1
} else if (isSeqA && !isSeqB) {
return -1
} else if (!isSeqA && isSeqB) {
return 1
} else {
return idA < idB ? -1 : 1
const sortAndFilterConversation = (conversation, statusoid) => {
if (statusoid.type === 'retweet') {
conversation = filter(
(status) => (status.type === 'retweet' || status.id !== statusoid.retweeted_status.id)
} else {
conversation = filter(conversation, (status) => status.type !== 'retweet')
return conversation.filter(_ => _).sort(sortById)
const conversation = {
data () {
return {
highlight: null,
expanded: false,
threadDisplayStatusObject: {}, // id => 'showing' | 'hidden'
statusContentPropertiesObject: {},
inlineDivePosition: null
props: [
created () {
if (this.isPage) {
computed: {
maxDepthToShowByDefault () {
// maxDepthInThread = max number of depths that is *visible*
// since our depth starts with 0 and "showing" means "showing children"
// there is a -2 here
const maxDepth = this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.maxDepthInThread - 2
return maxDepth >= 1 ? maxDepth : 1
displayStyle () {
return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.conversationDisplay
isTreeView () {
return !this.isLinearView
treeViewIsSimple () {
return !this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.conversationTreeAdvanced
isLinearView () {
return this.displayStyle === 'linear'
shouldFadeAncestors () {
return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.conversationTreeFadeAncestors
otherRepliesButtonPosition () {
return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.conversationOtherRepliesButton
showOtherRepliesButtonBelowStatus () {
return this.otherRepliesButtonPosition === 'below'
showOtherRepliesButtonInsideStatus () {
return this.otherRepliesButtonPosition === 'inside'
suspendable () {
if (this.isTreeView) {
return Object.entries(this.statusContentProperties)
.every(([k, prop]) => !prop.replying && prop.mediaPlaying.length === 0)
if (this.$refs.statusComponent && this.$refs.statusComponent[0]) {
return this.$refs.statusComponent.every(s => s.suspendable)
} else {
return true
hideStatus () {
return this.virtualHidden && this.suspendable
status () {
return this.$store.state.statuses.allStatusesObject[this.statusId]
originalStatusId () {
if (this.status.retweeted_status) {
return this.status.retweeted_status.id
} else {
return this.statusId
conversationId () {
return this.getConversationId(this.statusId)
conversation () {
if (!this.status) {
return []
if (!this.isExpanded) {
return [this.status]
const conversation = clone(this.$store.state.statuses.conversationsObject[this.conversationId])
const statusIndex = findIndex(conversation, { id: this.originalStatusId })
if (statusIndex !== -1) {
conversation[statusIndex] = this.status
return sortAndFilterConversation(conversation, this.status)
statusMap () {
return this.conversation.reduce((res, s) => {
res[s.id] = s
return res
}, {})
threadTree () {
const reverseLookupTable = this.conversation.reduce((table, status, index) => {
table[status.id] = index
return table
}, {})
const threads = this.conversation.reduce((a, cur) => {
const id = cur.id
a.forest[id] = this.getReplies(id)
.map(s => s.id)
return a
}, {
forest: {}
const walk = (forest, topLevel, depth = 0, processed = {}) => topLevel.map(id => {
if (processed[id]) {
return []
processed[id] = true
return [{
status: this.conversation[reverseLookupTable[id]],
}, walk(forest, forest[id], depth + 1, processed)].reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
}).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
const linearized = walk(threads.forest, this.topLevel.map(k => k.id))
return linearized
replyIds () {
return this.conversation.map(k => k.id)
.reduce((res, id) => {
res[id] = (this.replies[id] || []).map(k => k.id)
return res
}, {})
totalReplyCount () {
const sizes = {}
const subTreeSizeFor = (id) => {
if (sizes[id]) {
return sizes[id]
sizes[id] = 1 + this.replyIds[id].map(cid => subTreeSizeFor(cid)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
return sizes[id]
this.conversation.map(k => k.id).map(subTreeSizeFor)
return Object.keys(sizes).reduce((res, id) => {
res[id] = sizes[id] - 1 // exclude itself
return res
}, {})
totalReplyDepth () {
const depths = {}
const subTreeDepthFor = (id) => {
if (depths[id]) {
return depths[id]
depths[id] = 1 + this.replyIds[id].map(cid => subTreeDepthFor(cid)).reduce((a, b) => a > b ? a : b, 0)
return depths[id]
this.conversation.map(k => k.id).map(subTreeDepthFor)
return Object.keys(depths).reduce((res, id) => {
res[id] = depths[id] - 1 // exclude itself
return res
}, {})
depths () {
return this.threadTree.reduce((a, k) => {
a[k.id] = k.depth
return a
}, {})
topLevel () {
const topLevel = this.conversation.reduce((tl, cur) =>
tl.filter(k => this.getReplies(cur.id).map(v => v.id).indexOf(k.id) === -1), this.conversation)
return topLevel
otherTopLevelCount () {
return this.topLevel.length - 1
showingTopLevel () {
if (this.canDive && this.diveRoot) {
return [this.statusMap[this.diveRoot]]
return this.topLevel
diveRoot () {
const statusId = this.inlineDivePosition || this.statusId
const isTopLevel = !this.parentOf(statusId)
return isTopLevel ? null : statusId
diveDepth () {
return this.canDive && this.diveRoot ? this.depths[this.diveRoot] : 0
diveMode () {
return this.canDive && !!this.diveRoot
shouldShowAllConversationButton () {
// The "show all conversation" button tells the user that there exist
// other toplevel statuses, so do not show it if there is only a single root
return this.isTreeView && this.isExpanded && this.diveMode && this.topLevel.length > 1
shouldShowAncestors () {
return this.isTreeView && this.isExpanded && this.ancestorsOf(this.diveRoot).length
replies () {
let i = 1
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
return reduce(this.conversation, (result, { id, in_reply_to_status_id }) => {
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
const irid = in_reply_to_status_id
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
if (irid) {
result[irid] = result[irid] || []
name: `#${i}`,
return result
}, {})
isExpanded () {
return !!(this.expanded || this.isPage)
hiddenStyle () {
const height = (this.status && this.status.virtualHeight) || '120px'
return this.virtualHidden ? { height } : {}
threadDisplayStatus () {
return this.conversation.reduce((a, k) => {
const id = k.id
const depth = this.depths[id]
const status = (() => {
if (this.threadDisplayStatusObject[id]) {
return this.threadDisplayStatusObject[id]
if ((depth - this.diveDepth) <= this.maxDepthToShowByDefault) {
return 'showing'
} else {
return 'hidden'
a[id] = status
return a
}, {})
statusContentProperties () {
return this.conversation.reduce((a, k) => {
const id = k.id
const props = (() => {
const def = {
showingTall: false,
expandingSubject: false,
showingLongSubject: false,
isReplying: false,
mediaPlaying: []
if (this.statusContentPropertiesObject[id]) {
return {
return def
a[id] = props
return a
}, {})
canDive () {
return this.isTreeView && this.isExpanded
focused () {
return (id) => {
return (this.isExpanded) && id === this.highlight
maybeHighlight () {
return this.isExpanded ? this.highlight : null
components: {
watch: {
statusId (newVal, oldVal) {
const newConversationId = this.getConversationId(newVal)
const oldConversationId = this.getConversationId(oldVal)
if (newConversationId && oldConversationId && newConversationId === oldConversationId) {
} else {
expanded (value) {
if (value) {
} else {
virtualHidden (value) {
{ statusId: this.statusId, height: `${this.$el.clientHeight}px` }
methods: {
fetchConversation () {
if (this.status) {
this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.fetchConversation({ id: this.statusId })
.then(({ ancestors, descendants }) => {
this.$store.dispatch('addNewStatuses', { statuses: ancestors })
this.$store.dispatch('addNewStatuses', { statuses: descendants })
} else {
this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.fetchStatus({ id: this.statusId })
.then((status) => {
this.$store.dispatch('addNewStatuses', { statuses: [status] })
getReplies (id) {
return this.replies[id] || []
getHighlight () {
return this.isExpanded ? this.highlight : null
setHighlight (id) {
if (!id) return
this.highlight = id
this.$store.dispatch('fetchFavsAndRepeats', id)
this.$store.dispatch('fetchEmojiReactionsBy', id)
toggleExpanded () {
this.expanded = !this.expanded
getConversationId (statusId) {
const status = this.$store.state.statuses.allStatusesObject[statusId]
return get(status, 'retweeted_status.statusnet_conversation_id', get(status, 'statusnet_conversation_id'))
setThreadDisplay (id, nextStatus) {
this.threadDisplayStatusObject = {
[id]: nextStatus
toggleThreadDisplay (id) {
const curStatus = this.threadDisplayStatus[id]
const nextStatus = curStatus === 'showing' ? 'hidden' : 'showing'
this.setThreadDisplay(id, nextStatus)
setThreadDisplayRecursively (id, nextStatus) {
this.setThreadDisplay(id, nextStatus)
this.getReplies(id).map(k => k.id).map(id => this.setThreadDisplayRecursively(id, nextStatus))
showThreadRecursively (id) {
this.setThreadDisplayRecursively(id, 'showing')
setStatusContentProperty (id, name, value) {
this.statusContentPropertiesObject = {
[id]: {
[name]: value
toggleStatusContentProperty (id, name) {
this.setStatusContentProperty(id, name, !this.statusContentProperties[id][name])
leastVisibleAncestor (id) {
let cur = id
let parent = this.parentOf(cur)
while (cur) {
// if the parent is showing it means cur is visible
if (this.threadDisplayStatus[parent] === 'showing') {
return cur
parent = this.parentOf(parent)
cur = this.parentOf(cur)
// nothing found, fall back to toplevel
return this.topLevel[0] ? this.topLevel[0].id : undefined
diveIntoStatus (id, preventScroll) {
diveToTopLevel () {
this.tryScrollTo(this.topLevelAncestorOrSelfId(this.diveRoot) || this.topLevel[0].id)
// only used when we are not on a page
undive () {
this.inlineDivePosition = null
tryScrollTo (id) {
if (!id) {
if (this.isPage) {
// set statusId
this.$router.push({ name: 'conversation', params: { id } })
} else {
this.inlineDivePosition = id
// Because the conversation can be unmounted when out of sight
// and mounted again when it comes into sight,
// the `mounted` or `created` function in `status` should not
// contain scrolling calls, as we do not want the page to jump
// when we scroll with an expanded conversation.
// Now the method is to rely solely on the `highlight` watcher
// in `status` components.
// In linear views, all statuses are rendered at all times, but
// in tree views, it is possible that a change in active status
// removes and adds status components (e.g. an originally child
// status becomes an ancestor status, and thus they will be
// different).
// Here, let the components be rendered first, in order to trigger
// the `highlight` watcher.
this.$nextTick(() => {
goToCurrent () {
this.tryScrollTo(this.diveRoot || this.topLevel[0].id)
statusById (id) {
return this.statusMap[id]
parentOf (id) {
const status = this.statusById(id)
if (!status) {
return undefined
const { in_reply_to_status_id: parentId } = status
if (!this.statusMap[parentId]) {
return undefined
return parentId
parentOrSelf (id) {
return this.parentOf(id) || id
// Ancestors of some status, from top to bottom
ancestorsOf (id) {
const ancestors = []
let cur = this.parentOf(id)
while (cur) {
cur = this.parentOf(cur)
return ancestors
topLevelAncestorOrSelfId (id) {
let cur = id
let parent = this.parentOf(id)
while (parent) {
cur = this.parentOf(cur)
parent = this.parentOf(parent)
return cur
resetDisplayState () {
this.threadDisplayStatusObject = {}
export default conversation