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2022-10-09 22:29:45 -07:00

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# Readme
Danbooru Bot is a customizable, no frills image-posting bot for Pleroma.
A live example can be viewed at [GNU/Yandere](
Currently the bot will only run on Linux. I believe it should run on most distros but I have only tested it on Arch and Raspbian.
## About
The main purpose of this bot is to download a random image from a list of pre-configured profiles (using tags) and upload it to Pleroma. Danbooru Bot is designed to be simple to understand (from a technical perspective) and easy to modify/extend.
This project is licensed under GPLv3. See [LICENSE.txt](./LICENSE.txt).
The bot is still in development and can easily be crashed by writing a poorly configured `` file. It may also crash with encoding errors for files with non-unicode filenames.
## Installing
To setup the python3 environment (for Arch Linux) run the following commands:
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S --needed python git
git clone ''
cd DanbooruBot/
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp -vn default/ src/
./ -h
If everything worked correctly you should see usage information on Danbooru Bot.
The ./ file will automatically activate and deactivate the python virtual environment. You may want add a symlink to `/usr/local/bin` for convenience.
sudo ln -s "$(pwd)/" "/usr/local/bin/danbooruBot"
danbooruBot -h
For Debian or Ubuntu based distros I believe you need to change python with python3 for the package and command name `¯\_(ツ)_/¯`
## Generating your OAuth Tokens
Before you can begin posting from the bot, you must first create an account on the instance of your choice, and then generate your OAuth tokens.
To generate your tokens, run the following commands and follow the interactive prompts.
cd ..
git clone ''
ln -s "$(pwd)"/DanbooruBot/venv CreatePleromaApp/venv
ln -s "$(pwd)"/DanbooruBot/src/ CreatePleromaApp/src/
cd CreatePleromaApp/
./ -c cfg
# Follow the interactive prompts.
If you did everything correctly you should see `Success! :)` at the end of the terminal, as well as your credentials in the format below:
settings_server = OrderedDict([
"app_name": "app",
"api_base_url": "",
"client_id": "Long String of Text",
"client_secret": "Long String of Text",
"access_token": "Long String of Text"
settings_reminder = "09/20/2020 02:58PM"
settings_encrypt = {
"encrypt": False,
"salt": "",
"keyfile": None
If you used encryption, everything in the `settings_server` dictionary will be encrypted. If you used encryption and did not specify a keyfile, you will have to enter your password every time you start the bot. Copy and paste these values from the terminal into your `src/` file. **Make sure you paste over or delete the placeholder values with the same names.**
## Danbooru credentials
If you have an account with Danbooru, you can enter it below the `danbooru_backend` dictionary. It is not necessary to have an account unless you want to post images that are censored by default.
## Posting
To begin posting:
- Start the bot with `./`
- Enter your password if you encrypted your OAuth tokens.
- If you symlinked the file in the [Installing](#installing) section you can simply run `danbooruBot` instead of changing directories and starting the bot with `./`
- If everything worked correctly, you should see your first image posted to your account.
- Keep in mind that the bot's default visibility setting is set to unlisted for testing. You may want to update it to public.
- Read [docs/](./docs/ to customize the bot for your purposes.
# Donate
XMR: 493HynLQA4z71b3j9ZDXRNQudpdFW8GxeBGD8ahRctKn97RRurMVd35DqVqdAdjv68TcXTJWUwm6ee81ujDXGcmtKFixwQk
BAT: [Basic Attention Token](
# Useful Tips
## Scheduling posts with cron
Most likely you will want this bot to run over a long period of time. There are a several ways to automate calling a script at regular intervals on Linux. For brevity I will be covering the cron way.
First off, install cron if it's not already installed:
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S --needed cronie
sudo systemctl enable cronie
sudo systemctl start cronie
Next, run the following commands:
- `crontab -e`
- `25,55 * * * * /absolute/path/to/ >> "/absolute/path/to/log.txt" 2>&1`
- Modify the paths above to suit your preferences
- Save and exit
If you followed the steps above the cron job should run every 30 minutes at 25 and 55 minutes past the hour. Tail the log file to ensure it's working correctly.
## Advanced cron
If you want to post in sequential order from your profiles (assuming you have multiple), you can use the `-i` flag and grep from the log file to start the bot at the next index. Don't worry about an index that is out of range. The bot will wrap around the list. Remember your first profile is always at index 0.
Below is an example on how to do this with cron:
- `crontab -e`
- ``25,55 * * * * [ ! -f /absolute/path/to/log.txt ] && /absolute/path/to/ >> /absolute/path/to/log.txt 2>&1 || /absolute/path/to/ -i "$(expr `grep "^Profile" /absolute/path/to/log.txt | cut -d ' ' -f5 | tail -n 1` + 1)" >> /absolute/path/to/log.txt 2>&1``
- Modify the paths above to suit your preferences
- Save and exit
## Quickly Create Configuration Files
Configuration files for Danbooru Bot are just python files. Because of this we can easily create multiple configurations by importing the main configuration file, and overriding the values we need. This is useful for creating holiday and debug configurations without needing to create a new configuration file from scratch.
# Name:
# Post to an alt account using the exact same settings as the main configuration file
# Run with the following command: ./ -c alt
# is the default configuration.
from cfg import *
settings_server = OrderedDict([
("app_name", "generate from ./bin/"),
("api_base_url", "generate from ./bin/"),
("client_id", "generate from ./bin/"),
("client_secret", "generate from ./bin/"),
("access_token", "generate from ./bin/")
settings_reminder = "generate from ./bin/"
settings_encrypt = {
"encrypt": False,
"salt": "generate from ./bin/"
# Uncommenting the below might be useful if your alt is used for debugging and testing
# settings_behavior["visibility"] = "private"
# settings_behavior["debug"] = True
# Name:
# An xmas themed config file!
# Run with the following command: ./ -c xmas
# is the default configuration.
from cfg import *
# Prepend '#Merry #Christmas' to the beginning of the first line in each post
for setting in settings_post:
if len(setting["message"]) and issubclass(type(setting["message"][0]), str):
new_msg = "#Merry #Christmas {}".format(setting["message"][0])
setting["message"] = (new_msg,) + setting["message"][1:]