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2022-08-31 22:13:45 -07:00

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# Configuration
Mirai Nikki Bot uses regular python files to configure posts. The default configuration is ``
There are two default configuration files located in `default/`:
- **``** Is a script that demonstrates the full functionality of the bot. It is the production configuration for [Mirai Nikki Bot]( This config will show you how to skip certain segments of a video file (such as the OP and ED of an anime) as well as mark nsfw scenes as sensitive.
- **``** Is much simpler. It is the production configuration for [Netoge Bot]( It also skips the OP and ED of the anime, but there are no nsfw scenes.
# Render scripts
To generate screenshots, the bot will call shell scripts located in the `src/` directory and specified in the `render_script` value in the `setup_episode()` function. By default the below scripts are included:
- **``** This script will use mpv to generate a screenshot *with the first subtitle track overlayed.*
- **``** Is a more basic script that will simply render a frame with no subtitles.
The bot will call these scripts with positional arguments for the input path, output path, and frame position (in seconds). Please modify these scripts to suit your preferences.
## setting_server
Paste the generated credentials from `` in the fields below.
**`app_name:`** The name of the application.
**`api_base_url:`** The URL of the instance.
**`client_id:`** The client ID generated by ``
**`client_secret:`** The client secret generated by ``
**`access_token:`** The client token generated by ``
**NOTE:** If you enabled encryption when generating your tokens, the above should be long strings of seemingly incoherent text.
## settings_reminder
A setting to remind the user to regenerate their OAuth tokens
**`settings_reminder:`** A date and time, formatted as `settings_time["long_date_format"]`. Used to remind the user to regenerate their OAuth tokens.
## settings_encrypt
Paste the generated credentials from `` in the fields below.
**`encrypt:`** If encryption is enabled this should be set to `True`
**`salt:`** The salt value generated by ``
## settings_behavior
This is the main configuration setting for the bot.
**`visibility:`** The visibility of the post ('public', 'unlisted', 'private', or 'direct').
**`feature_set:`** The feature set of the instance you are connecting to ('mainline', 'fedibird', or 'pleroma'). **This bot has only been tested with 'pleroma'.**
**`sleep_seconds:`** The time between posts (in seconds)
**`uploads_per_post:`** The number of times the bot should post after `sleep_seconds`
**`retry_seconds:`** The time the bot should wait before attempting to re-upload a post that failed (in seconds). This value is ignored if the bot experiences a FileNotFoundError (the file was deleted after the bot was started) or encounters a 413 error (file upload size is too large). In either of the two cases the bot will continue posting the next image in the list.
**`content_type:`** The content type of the post ('text/plain' (default), 'text/markdown', 'text/html', 'text/bbcode'). **This bot has only been tested with `'text/plain'` and `'text/markdown'`**.
**`content_newline:`** The newline character or string. This will be inserted between each line in the message. If `content_type` is `'text/plain'`, this value should be `'\n'`. If `content_type` is `'text/markdown'` you may need to experiment. On some instances the default `'\n'` works, on others you may need to change this to `'<br/>'`.
**`post_image_link:`** If set to `True` this will insert a direct media link at the end of the message for each media file uploaded. If `content_type` is `'text\markdown'` it will make the link actionable, otherwise it will simply be a plain text html link. Some instances add this link automatically, in which case this should be set to `False`. See `content_newline` and `content_type` to correctly configure actionable links.
**`debug:`** Set this to true for testing. This will prevent Mirai Nikki Bot from logging into the mastodon instance and asking for your encryption password (meaning that nothing will actually get posted to your account, but it will still do everything else).
## settings_time
Time localization settings.
**`time_format:`** This is used to schedule posts using the `-t` switch. Referenced in `set_pretimer_hour()`
**`time_format_seconds:`** Unused. Should be the same as `time_format` but with a resolution in seconds.
**`date_format:`** This is used to schedule posts using the `-d` switch. Referenced in `set_pretimer_day()`
**`long_date_format:`** Time and date format. `settings_encrypt["reminder"]` Should be in this format. Referenced in `print_header_stats()` and `_sanity_warnings()`
**`long_date_seconds_format:`** Unused. Should be the same as `long_date_format` but with a resolution in seconds.
**`long_date_week:`** The same as `long_date_format` but with the day of the week specified. Referenced in `print_header_stats()`
**`datetime:`** A custom time to be printed by the bot if ${datetime} substitution is used in the profile output path.
## settings_post
Configure Mirai Nikki Bot profiles. Use the `setup_profile()` function to set profiles up in a single line.
# Setting Up Profiles
Each profile in `settings_post` contains a dictionary with the below keywords. Use the `setup_episode()` function with the same parameter names to setup posts in a single line.
Below is an explanation of each keyword:
* **`profile_name:`** String value. The name of the profile. This is mainly used to help you identify what profile is being applied to posts. This information is printed by the bot, but is otherwise unused.
* **`path:`** The input path of the video file.
* **`frames:`** The final frame of the video file (in seconds).
* **`skip:`** A tuple of tuples of time ranges to skip.
* **`nsfw:`** A tuple of tuples of time ranges to mark as sensative (nsfw)
* **`output_name:`** The output path of the string. This string can include the following shell-like variables that the bot will automatically substitute:
* **`${frame}:`** The selected frame in seconds.
* **`${profile_name}:`** The name of the profile.
* **`${datetime}:`** The date and time of the selection formatted in the settings_time["datetime"] variable
* **`message:`** String value. The body of the post when a *safe* frame is selected.
* **`message_nsfw:`** String value. The body of the post when a *nsfw* frame is selected.