Large part of it was no longer true (i.e none of the changes need recompilation anymore and you can't brick an instance by changing them, it's not necessary to manually truncate the db manually anymore)
1,000 B
1,000 B
Transfering the config to/from the database
{! backend/administration/CLI_tasks/general_cli_task_info.include !}
Transfer config from file to DB.
!!! note You need to add the following to your config before executing this command:
config :pleroma, configurable_from_database: true
./bin/pleroma_ctl config migrate_to_db
mix pleroma.config migrate_to_db
Transfer config from DB to config/env.exported_from_db.secret.exs
!!! note In-Database configuration will still be applied after executing this command unless you set the following in your config:
config :pleroma, configurable_from_database: false
To delete transfered settings from database optional flag -d
can be used. is prod
by default.
./bin/pleroma_ctl config migrate_from_db [--env=<env>] [-d]
mix pleroma.config migrate_from_db [--env=<env>] [-d]